Your vehicles as they sit now!

thanks for the compliments question should i keep these chrome and just eccept that they are a little pitted, or get them poweder coated one day, or throw on some plastidip ?

Those wheels are ugly as shit.. IMO. Your tahoes look x182837283 better! I say sell and pocket money IMO.

Sent from Daddy's phone
My bad, phone auto corrected.

I'd say throw them up for sale. Maybe Jimmy's dad will want them.

How many fucking warnings do you need? That's enough dude, get a fucking hobby or a life, rather than forum trolling all god damn day. It was cute the first wear shit down to the ground.
How many fucking warnings do you need? That's enough dude, get a fucking hobby or a life, rather than forum trolling all god damn day. It was cute the first wear shit down to the ground.

It's Saturday in Alaska, please tell me more about all the things I should be out doing.

That is all.
Yah Geoff that's exactly what i mean. They ballon out and cause center wear. 2 things will do that, to wide of a tire, and to much pressure. Your facotry 7 or 7.5" rims are far to skinny to get good wear from a wide tire

Eh its all good they probably have 15-20k on them of city winter driving.

Dat work truck mode


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