Your vehicles as they sit now!

nice curtain, what class car is it from?

Pretty sure it's off some kind of unlimited late model. Not real sure though, got a few of them for free off one of my dad's friends and he couldn't even remember.

**oh, and for the record, Corny and Kyle- y'all are cruel and evil and I hate you so much right now. Hurry up with the pics!

Now at 4/6, IMO much better stance then 3/6 15psi in helpers. Next summer I'm gonna put the polished gmcs off the rcsb on it and have the shop full colormatvh and install the cut hd hood I got on it..,bit that's after winter passes
Working on clearing my stock headlights, fleabay ones are junk city.

Cant decide on grille, dont want to do a custom badgeless and hd hood cause itll just look like my other truck, i still have black street scene and black billet, think ill do the black billet cutout
Thanks bro. Yes it would look very TITS slammed but I work out in the country and slammed vehicles + country dirt roads = no bueno.

It looks like this most of the time unfortunately: