Paint Correction: 03 Bagged Silverado

Well friday night there were bad storms in Oklahoma City (Killed 13 people) and i had to make my way up to Edmond to do full paint correction and detail on franks bagged truck for the show saturday. Got to his house at 1130 and didnt get done polishing until 7 the next morning, very long night! Hes a cool guy tho, and i guess he liked what i did because hes taking me to SEMA in november to make sure the truck stays nice and shiny..cant wait for that!

Heres heading into the storm

Only been painted for 2 months i think, and it was pretty bad

But i got it back to looking good

He was shocked to see how quick it took me to correct the headlight. It took him hour and half to do one headlight on his wifes car. This took me one minute


Gorgeous paint

Went ahead and detailed mine too for the show

Franks gorgeous truck making my pos look like a monster truck lol





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