Not new but been gone awhile

Same thing happened to my passenger side. There is basically 2 ways to fix it that I know of; the easy way or the hard way.

I of course chose the easy way, which is just taking a little piece of rubber hose, slicing it horizontally, and sliding it over the silver adjuster thread from the inside
The rubber hose

Looking at the adjuster from the bottom, with no rubber hose

Same view, but with the rubber hose ON (towards the top of the pic)

View from the top looking down where the adjusted sticks up vertically

Just start out with a decent size piece, place it on the adjuster, and see where your light lines up at. Then keep repeating taking off, cut it a little smaller, place back on, test light, until it's where you want it. The light will stay in place cause it has nowhere to fall down to. I had mine like that for just over a year with 0 problems

Those are the only pics I had from several months ago. If you need more I can get em next week

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I bought some suede today and I did a couple pieces. Came out pretty well. I have no idea how I'm gonna do the glove box...still have to do the fuse panel covers too and the door panel carpet and leather when I get more time over break

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And thanks for the tip about the adjusters. I ended up getting a donor light from a friend for free so I just swapped them. I have to mess with the projector a bit but here's some output pics


Highs with stocks too

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