Let's see your notches

heres mine on the crew


do you have a picture of this aired out im wondering if i can put my bags over the axle i have same avs notch just need to see how much clearance there is
Mine does the same. doesnt really bother me

Is that okay for the brake lines? It sucks cause I notched it which give me about 4 inches of gap between the axel and frame, but only 2 inches between the brake line and bed. Which makes my notch worthless. Going to have to either notch the bar above the pumpkin or relocate the brake lines. Just a little scared about bending the lines.
Notch the brace above the pumpkin, I didn't do this and at 9.5" in the rear it was almost touching..every bump it hit and busted my brake line , not worth the hassle just go ahead and notch it