Le slicksierra build thread

I wanna do like feisty did, atleast I think it was him... Get a light bar that either is mostly black or get the lense tinted

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They sell tinted inserts for them. Do it, that'd be sweet

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Oh yeah? Where.... N need to find a good brand that's not crazy expensive not sure what size would fit either 20 or 32

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Mmmm...lemme do a lil research. But I know I saw them when I bought mine. Got my bar off Amazon for like $70

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Mmmm...lemme do a lil research. But I know I saw them when I bought mine. Got my bar off Amazon for like $70

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Oh yah I see them all day for cheap but would rather go with one that I know someone is using with no problems

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Here's the brand me and Tony both run, Eyourlife I took the ends off mine (just some screws, there's a little bit of factory sealant but it's not hard to pull them off), and just sealed the whoooole ends with black silicone. No problems whatsoever a year later, no condensation, still just as bright.

Couldn't really find any covers cept these, I guess they don't really work well

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Like I'm saying, that bar with a lil laminx paint the bolt heads and behind the grille you'd barley know it was there which is the goal. I see them all the time now light bars behind the grille, but I still think they stick out like sore thumbs

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Like I'm saying, that bar with a lil laminx paint the bolt heads and behind the grille you'd barley know it was there which is the goal. I see them all the time now light bars behind the grille, but I still think they stick out like sore thumbs

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IMO. They do look retarded just straight chrome behind the grille

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