Better Ride Quality For EC and CC GMT400/800s Simple and Cheap?


New member
I came across this thread the other day, and had never heard mention of it, Apparently GMT900s have a hydraulic rear cab mount, and will fit 400s and 800s, and provide somewhat better ride quality, all in all I think it came out around $100 bucks total in parts, Going to check it out myself and get a parts total, but you guys take a look and see what you think, considering trying this on both my crews personally.
If it is only $100 total, I will do it, and report back. I can get a couple helping hands over here and do a good review soon.
A lot of duramax guys have done it, quite a few things if you google the new PN of those bushings. Im going to see if I can find a GM parts guy or someone with a hook up to get a couple cheap, I dont really see a need for a new lower washer, possibly not even the lower busings, Gonna check into it more, and Ill try it when funding allows for sure.
If it is only $100 total, I will do it, and report back. I can get a couple helping hands over here and do a good review soon.

Word. Talk to boyett and see if he can get a deal on a couple, Im gonna talk to Beau at SDPD, and a guy on PT that hooked me up on some engine parts that works at a dealer and see what kind of deal I can find.
don't you need 6? And I don't know boyett, maybe Adjusted can talk to some of his old co-workers
Never mind, it did say 6 mounts, but that was for comparing the rcsb with the ec and cc

Well, let’s look at what you need to get. This swap involves the rear-most 2 cab mounts (one on each side of the truck). We’ll need a total of 2 of the actual cab mounts from a GMT900 truck (one on each side), we’ll also need 2 lower mount cushions (again one for each side), as well as 2 cushion washers (one per side)…we’ll re-use the stock GMT400 mount bolts, and we’ll also keep the front cab mounts as is.