For Sale: Summit kegorator


Summit SBC-500B for sale or trade. I will consider a trade for a big, stand up freezer and a nice bar setup for the kitchen. My sister took her bar/wine rack when she moved and now everything is piled up on the kegorator, and I never use it. I replaced ALL the parts for the dispenser when I got it home. All quality parts from

Perlick Perl stainless steel, came highly recommended. New lines ran, when I finished the keg, I broke it all down and cleaned them, this is why it is still apart in the pic, so that no molding would take place.

Cash price is $400






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no, $400 gets you a KEGORATOR, with a keg, tank, and everything else needed to enjoy a nice beer on tap...if kegs were pointless bars would just sell cans and glass! Purchase good beer and enjoy it on tap is far better than shit in a can or glass
Yeah, seriously, beer from a well regulated keg at the right temp is WAY better than the same shit in a can or glass.

It costs on average $25 for a keg deposit. So with mine, I just go up to any store, swap them out, and pay the $100 or so for the keg. Depends on what flavor...I've seen them as cheap as $70 before, and I have paid as much as $150 for a keg.
It also comes the co2 tank which is pretty full, only used for one keg, it was $25 to fill it up locally. All lines, gauges etc, everything you need. Has a drip tray and a napkin rack too.
It depends, but usually a month or so. With the co2 and the right temp, it can stay pretty "fresh" for a while. I'm no expert though.
I've never seen one before. Was trying to ask about it but you were kind of being a dick for minute.
nope, I'll hang on to it for less than $400, they are expensive new, but I don't necessarily need to sell it.
I will take $300 minus the keg, tank, and perlick faucet. I will add the original handle/faucet with it

THE ABSOLUTE LOWEST I WILL GO, AND WITH THESE PARTS, NOTHING MORE. These things are right at a $1k new, and it is in great condition.

it also has a hand pump that will come with it for the full price.