
SCG hired Dylan to create a new line for professionals and for more than just weekend warriors. Gave him full reign and support on any product he wanted to make to make this new line great. Which he didn't have at previous location. Once created and doing well, scg decided to cut him because of "product not doing as well as expected". Once he was gone they went to the forums and made an announcement he had left but that the line would stay.

From everything I have read and knowledge I have behind the scenes it looks like SCG used DVK to build a great product that they will eventually pump into their retail bottles and kill the ProLine. Let's face it the company lives off of Walmart sales. They just completely used him and threw him away once the dirty work was finished and everything was established and had a following.

And I'm not giving away secrets here either. If you paid attention and did some reading you could have also came to this conclusion. Dylan is also my friend so all my thoughts have been confirmed. Nobody is following a bandwagon and to look down on those that might have is a bit shallow. If supporting a friend is bad, I don't want to be right. I didn't lie in my testing I truly love the product. I was testing them to give an outside view for the weekend detailer. Nothing more nothing less. And if people did blindly follow Dylan from company to company who the fuck cares. That's their prerogative. No one said you can't continue to keep the blinders on.

who said anything about looking down on the dylan bandwagon? if thats what you wanna do, i dont give a fuck. i understand dylan is your personal friend, and i can understand where scg might piss you off. what gets me is the people that have never met him and just read his internet post and act like that he's there best friend. you can twist and turn this all you want, im not talking shit about dylan or the people that follow him. dylan is very informative about what he does, but to take HIS personal problem so personal for the people that never met him is kind of retarded imo. when dylan left adams, i saw the true opinions of people start to fly about adams and their products, prices, shipping etc. i can agree that how they played dylan is in fact shitty, will it stop me from buying a product that may work well for me, no. the business relationship between scg and dylan is not any of my business. if someone else was hired to do some shit for scg and they did it and got let go but didnt have dylan's reputation, who would actually give a shit? im sure everyone will say no i wouldnt do business anymore with them. guess we'll never know the true answer. im sure this scenario between dylan and scg isnt the first to happen and wont be the last.
AG is my go-to place.
Many brands avail, and my collection is diversified.
When I first started, AG was a lot for me to take in, as I jumped straight in and wanted an order. Adams was my first order, as they have that niche filled. Simple and laid out.
Was my first order, and my last. It filled its position and did it's intended job while I learned more. And imo that's what Adams is/was for

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I still have the tester prototypes :sneaky: I'll have to use those sparingly.

Going to send email and see if they robbed dylan for that, or if I should contact him on it :roflshrug:

AG is my go-to place.
Many brands avail, and my collection is diversified.
When I first started, AG was a lot for me to take in, as I jumped straight in and wanted an order. Adams was my first order, as they have that niche filled. Simple and laid out.
Was my first order, and my last. It filled its position and did it's intended job while I learned more. And imo that's what Adams is/was for

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

For once, I'm going to pretty well agree with I hate to even think it too :crazy: When I first got into detailing, I went to chemical guys (because id seen prices in comparison to Adams) but my mind was blown by the selection, same with AG. Adams was much more simplified and had a quality offering/following. Once using some products and understanding my needs/Uses, I branched out using AG, Chemical guys, some generic brands for things. Carpro, Shine supply, so on and so forth as well. Some things just aren't a one stop shop. Its impossible for a single company to monopolize with the best product for everything.
Shine supply is basically what adams used to be as far as products.

I don't understand why so many of you are married to just one brand for your detail supplies.

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everything I have is either Adam's or local parts store brand bias here. I would have bought from SCG if I wasn't poor. I WILL be buying form both CG and SS as the few guys I follow online who detail for a living use them and like them, along with other stuff. For the right price I will buy anything, except LPP :slorg:
im broke to so I haven't got a chance to try out scg.ive used adams and cg and didn't really care for cg. the reviews on scg sound good to me so id still like to try them along with shine supply.
There are certain things from CG that people prefer and like, as with Adams and etc. I'll grab whatever is recommended, and go from there. Won't know until I try them imo.
There are certain things from CG that people prefer and like, as with Adams and etc. I'll grab whatever is recommended, and go from there. Won't know until I try them imo.[/a

Detailers Products- maxwax
Do recommend, and is budget friendly. Check it out

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So much butthurt in here

Im sure if the finances or backers were in place, maybe he would start his own line. But there is a large amount of capital needed, and back up revenue to operate a new company in the red. I'm pretty sure he has a family to support, so the thought of risking it all to start your own digs at the expenses of your family life in pretty terrifying.

Wish him the best of luck in whatever he decides to do.
So much butthurt in here

Im sure if the finances or backers were in place, maybe he would start his own line. But there is a large amount of capital needed, and back up revenue to operate a new company in the red. I'm pretty sure he has a family to support, so the thought of risking it all to start your own digs at the expenses of your family life in pretty terrifying.

Wish him the best of luck in whatever he decides to do.

i was just going to say, if dylan was 30 with no family, im sure he would start a company. the issue is dylan has a family to support, and his son has more expenses then a normal kid of his age would.

he needs to have health insurance and consistant money. starting a company would take most of his money, as well as finance backing, and he would still need to find money for his family.

I like stated in a previous post, will use up my current stock of SCG products. then i will focus on shine supply or CG, unless dylan gets to develope for another company.

i dont follow dylan because i have blinders on, the facts are dylan knows what he is doing when developing product, and makes good product, thats why people followed him to SCG.

I too cannot support a company that uses someone and tosses them away, not caring about his family or him.
why are you returning them? I feel like every one is taking this Dylan thing to far.

whats wrong with showing a sense of community towards Dylan and supporting him against SCG? I take no issue with that AT ALL since these days mostly EVERYONE is all about themselves and fuck the next man. Its refreshing to see people standing up for Dylan. if your of the "fuck my neighbor and community" mentality then have at it

and FWIW I stayed with adams and never switched to scg because I was happy with adams. now I'm very glad I stuck with adams.
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I appreciate everyone taking such a big interest in my drama LOL. Read a lot of what was posted, most of it I agree with, some of it makes me scratch my head.

Just to clarify - when I say 'unexpectedly' let go, it literally was a 'did I just hear that right?' moment - as in no indication or clue it was coming, I was just putting in another day answering tech questions, composing a writeup on machine options, speaking with customers via various channels... wasn't expecting to be told my position was being eliminated. In terms of Sam's post and the line not performing as expected, fact is thats speculative - I didn't have a set list of objectives, goals, or a target to hit. It was: STEP 1 CREATE PROFESSIONAL LINE. STEP 2 SELL PROFESSIONAL LINE. I think as reasonable adults here we can all see that it didn't get sufficient time to accomplish step 2... the line as a whole was on the market for less than 6 months (April 29th was day 1) and the polishes haven't even been out for 2 months. Draw whatever conclusions you need to from that, but I think most of us here can connect the dots ourselves.

Thats about the extent of what I'll be posting on it to be honest - I have an NDA in place that prohibits me from disclosing much more (on or offline) and as most who have contacted me can verify - thats about all I've said to them as well and about all I will. I can't speak to their motives or ultimate goals for what will become of the products I created. Thats their business and my fault for not seeing it coming. If you have questions about it going forward you should definitely direct those questions to them. Its now their product line to support and continue to sell how they see fit, if at all.

In terms of 'fan-boy-dom' ... call it what you want. I don't think of myself as some kind of celebrity... I don't have that ego. I'm just a guy who likes detailing and happens to be put in a position to answer questions for people when I can and I have the background/experience to give qualified answers. If that garners loyalty, a following, or "fanboys" so be it. I was doing it long before I was employed by a company to do so, I'll be doing it if I never get back into the detailing world again. I gained a reputation for being professional + willing to do anything to help someone out and I have made a number of friends all over the country as a result, many of them I've had the chance to meet in person.

One important thing I do ask is that those who have a bone to pick with SCG keep it professional - let your wallet do the talking if you don't want to support their brand. There is no cause to be unprofessional or do anything malicious - they've made their decision and while I don't agree with it and feel it was handled exceptionally poorly life goes on. Just like the last time I hit the market I've already received contact from multiple other organizations wanting to know 'whats next'... at this point I'm entertaining offers and taking what time I can afford to think about whether or not I want to stay in this industry or not. Patterns being what they are, not sure I need to do this again, but it is what I'm passionate about so I'd have to find something that interests me as much to justify leaving.

As far as doing my own thing - trust me when I say the thought had crossed my mind multiple times. What most people fail to realize is the time and capital required to launch something from scratch is substantial. As someone said - if it were just me, no kids, no wife - I'd be completely willing to take that gamble, but reality is what it is. I have a mortgage, a son about to turn 8 with special needs, a little girl about to turn 1 year old, and as much as I'd love to start my own brand and take the time (more than 6 months) to grow it I have to think about them first. Its not as cheap and easy as you would think to do this stuff... and it ain't exactly a business many people are getting rich at. Lord knows I have the contacts and knowhow to do it - what I don't have is the capital and the ability to gamble with my families future. Theres a lot of investment in things most guys will never even realize to make that kind of venture happen, so until I get the windfall of cash needed to do it on my own, or the investors needed to finance it, plus pay me while it grows its not feasible.
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[MENTION=653]DylanVK[/MENTION] good to see you pop on for a little insight from the person that should be making the statement. I am sure everyone that has either met you, talked to you on the forums, or ran across your write ups can attest to a dedicated person to the detailing trade. We are just all concerned about the way things transpired and hope that your future endeavors are promising to a deserving person like yourself. Keep us informed on how things go, I am sure you will be scooped up by someone hopefully more appreciative of your skills and commitment to the normal "Joe Schmo" in keeping a clean ride. At this weekends show, we talked about how much it sucked to hear how abrupt of an ending you had at SCG and how cool it would be to see a brand called "von Kleist". It sounds so cool like wolfgang that bryan said. Like you said as well about you pondering it and the instability it could bring you if starting your own chip in the automotive detailing business could be. Overall, hope things go well and don't forget us forum peeps!