Removal of Window Rain Spots *Cheap and Easy*

I need to do this in a serious way. Truck came with them and I cant get them off. Iritates the shit out of me everytime I wash it
I buffed my glass while doing the Sierra. Flex, 5-6 speed, turtle wax rubbing compound, Adams swirl and haze remover, Adams fine machine polish. Worked pretty good. Mine were terrible so some were still left. I didn't spend a whole lot of time or attention on it so I'm happy with it




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tahoe has some bad ones, pretty sure previous owner let their sprinkler spray all over the drivers side of the truck for the past few years. got most of it off with 3" foam pads and drill technique with adams 3 step polish process but theyre still there and it bugs the shit out of me.
been thinking of trying acid and steel wool or anything really.