Radar police detector

Valentine 1

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Beltronics v9550
I love it. It gets a few false alerts but it's not too bad on that. Range is awesome though especially for the price
Are the nice ones really worth the high price?

yes, most definitely. My Valentine 1 has paid for itself the first 2 times it went off when I was speeding. If I'm traveling on the highway, I don't leave home with out it. The only time I've actually gotten a ticket while having it was when the cop was using lidar. They will detect lidar, but by the time you get the signal they've already got your speed. I know when I've been hit with lidar and I've been speeding, I usually pull to the slow lane or exit the freeway and wait for the cop to catch up. This usually scores some brownie points with them and most of the time they let me off with a warning.

The v1 when set properly will not give you false alerts, and on open flat road I've had detection up to 2-3 miles before I came across the highway patrol that was setting it off.
i have an escort passport 8500 x50 as well, aweeesome detector. Ive had it for almost 9yr now and it is showing its age, it still detects great, but as its grown older its showing the 'service' message in stints, but its normally just solved by cycling power, also in stints it will spike power and alert to laser when there is clearly no laser detecting. I need to send it in or buy an updated one - but for the time being its not often bad enough to really bother me. Plus, as ive gotten older and gas has gotten higher I speed less and less. Would reccommend picking one up for sure.

Im still too scared to drive without it though...
yes, most definitely. My Valentine 1 has paid for itself the first 2 times it went off when I was speeding. If I'm traveling on the highway, I don't leave home with out it. The only time I've actually gotten a ticket while having it was when the cop was using lidar. They will detect lidar, but by the time you get the signal they've already got your speed. I know when I've been hit with lidar and I've been speeding, I usually pull to the slow lane or exit the freeway and wait for the cop to catch up. This usually scores some brownie points with them and most of the time they let me off with a warning.

The v1 when set properly will not give you false alerts, and on open flat road I've had detection up to 2-3 miles before I came across the highway patrol that was setting it off.

well said. mine has paid for itself too. traveling back and forth to school and back and to the beach and back. i rarely ever get false alarms once i took the time to set it up. i did once get a ka signal and it ended up being some1 with a jammer, scared the shit out of me. only gotten laser once, but nothing became of it.

best to research what models you are interested in and go from there. personal preference after that.
I have to look, but I think these things are illegal here in Ontario.

I never realized they would pick up radar long before the cop even had radar on you. Damn.
The beltronics is by far the best bang for the buck. The 955 is like 150 and performs as well as the high end passports. I mean it's the same basic thing but the passports have some cool functions but for the price I'd buy my bel again. It's saved me from several tickets. I drove from Oxford to destin speeding the whole way and it saved my ass so many times. I try not to speed too much though.
They are illegal in Canada, and how they are LEGAL anywhere amazes me.

I see so few cops on my highway trips it's ridiculous... when I'm alone going down the highway though I try and keep it under 20km over and the fuzz usually leaves me alone.
I mean you usually won't get pulled over going less than 8 over on the highway or 5 over on regular roads but I like knowing if there is a cop