new wheels; not installed


New member
Sat afternoon i met up with my friend to get the centerline 20x8.5s from him.

the wheels were sitting around for a couple of years and really needed some TLC.

nice brushed finish?

Hmmm...i got the buffer and my polish after one of the spokes...clearly not a brushed finish..

look how black the wheels are from dirt and filth

After just one once over...see my towel on the left??

an hour later....3 down.

i finished the forth around 12 am. i think they could all use another polishing, but not bad for 2 hours work...
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fts, 12 hours? I got vagina to penetrate, and beer to drink.

Look good though, now bring them to me!
Welcome to the centerline club, loved those wheels (had snipers, but those are damn close to what you have). Haaaated polishing those because of the little 'rivet holes', those things accumulated dirt ASAP. Seems like nobody takes care of these things anymore, my stingrays looked like they had been used in the baja 500 race since 2002 and two could still use more sanding/polishing. Did you have to work out any dings or deep scratches?
Been there, done that. :cheeky:


But seriously, they came out looking damn good. Can't wait to see them on the truck.
Welcome to the centerline club, loved those wheels (had snipers, but those are damn close to what you have). Haaaated polishing those because of the little 'rivet holes', those things accumulated dirt ASAP. Seems like nobody takes care of these things anymore, my stingrays looked like they had been used in the baja 500 race since 2002 and two could still use more sanding/polishing. Did you have to work out any dings or deep scratches?

i did not. There's more of a curb rash issue than any super deep scratches. i have no idea, save a drimmel (or send them to someone else to fix), on how to fix that

Look like my old archers when i got them. Ready to see them on the truck.

i'm ready too! and so is Le GF...shes already bitching about them sitting in the game room lol "just go buy the tires so we can get them out of the game room!" i think i found a loop hole for more mods. buy mods....leave inside house....GF rages and forces me to install said mods :D
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