My VHT Smoking Tails Experience

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candying won't block light, you'd candy them red.

this. do it.

with this (the red)
The eye brows looks stupid as shit. Think candy is alot better than blacking them out. If you insist of doing niteshades then do one coat to smoke them. Black looks dumb.
truck is hacked, debadged...well kinda, rust on bed, why even fuck with it? Buy a new bed and take off the adhesive rather than doing hack job on tails.
wesley, that is going to be state by state I am sure though...but my point was candied would be legal before tinting
I will never ever try to help some young adolescent pissant. See how we try to help and this is done, kids I swear.
When some ricer or badly done truck with dark tinted taillights is in front of me driving like a doucher, I always think about just ramming them and blaming on I didn't see their lights lol

Sent from my toilet-ed HTC Rezound
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