first attempt at candy tails.


New member
well I bought these used and they where scratched to shit. I sanded them down and sprayed them with rattle can. They are no where near perfect but considering I have $50 in them including paint is a pretty good deal


ready for clear:


After clear. Had quite a bit of orange peel so I decided to wet sand with 2000 to remove.


Got most of it out but after I buffed it the lights seem to have a haze still. Did I burn the paint or something? Also from sitting there is a ton of dirt inside the taillight. Is there was way to take them apart to clean? If not any ideal how to get the crude off the inside of light?

Why would you candy lights already red? If you were trying to fix the scratches just sand and clear.
sand em back... take to a body shop have them buff it. theyll look new again. you can even turn tinted light back stock that way
yea and 3 months outside they will haze again. if you want to, sand em back down, buff out all the scratches, and clear them. once you sand and buff that plastic, whether it be headlights or tail lights, it turns really quickly after, unless you seal constantly
^what these guys said. You actually may not even have to clear them again. I scuffed my stockers and tinted them, then decided I didn't like it so I removed it with laquer thinner, hand buffed, machine buffed and they came out looking brand new. Just waxed them every time I waxed the truck and they never faded
i just used spay wax everytime i wash it on the tails. this is how the looked 3 years after i stripped the tint off and buffed em
Why would you candy lights already red? If you were trying to fix the scratches just sand and clear.

I like the solid color look.

Ok thanx guys. I am going to strip them and just see if I can buff them out. They must have sat outside for a long while because there is a nasty film inside the light. I'm going to try some cleaning products to see if I can get it out.