68 c10 swb $6000

not a terrible deal for a mostly done project. He picked the right time to sell it, so the buyer can paint it and shit the way they want
I would sell my OBS and gladly pick that up.... pssh I wouldn't sell OBS haha.

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Damn that's sick....I'm picturing it Tangelo Orange, nice raked stance on some 18 or 20" classic 5 spoke wheels, grey center with polished lip. Yup, I'm rocking a chubbie
not a bad truck, mismatched bedsides (driver side is 68-72 w/opening for light) passenger side is smooth like the 67s, has 67 front fenders included but not installed, also from the looks of the first pic theres either no tailgate or not installed,overall not bad IMO
^If anybody here buys it, we carry the correct bedsides/fenders/tailgate where I work lol
If I wasn't in more of a need of a DD, I would snag this. Had this been around 6 months ago, it would be in my driveway. But it wouldn't be a smart move. I need something to replace the truck for most of the week. I won't every fully park it, unless I go nuts with it, but I'd like to have the option to leave it at home. Some of the stores I go to aren't in the best areas. There is 1-2 days easily I'd love to not take it.