Smkdbyagrl's Truck


New member
Feb 28, 2013
Dyess AFB,TX
Final got to get out and get pics of her truck yesterday. Havent used my camera in awhile so kinda rusty. Also trying out some new editing software. Let me know what you think.










Heres a link to the gallery:
Kim's Truck - Balt2NV's Photos

I have alot more pics in there if y'all get bored.
Truck looks good. For the photos, I always believe less is more when it comes to editing imo. Not bad though :shake:
Truck looks good. For the photos, I always believe less is more when it comes to editing imo. Not bad though :shake:

Word^^ A couple look over edited but the rest look good. They Have their own style to them. Maybe cuz the sun was setting, gives it a cool feel.
Word^^ A couple look over edited but the rest look good. They Have their own style to them. Maybe cuz the sun was setting, gives it a cool feel.

I was trying a bunch of different styles with these. First time using Elements and Lightroom together. A couple are way over edited and clarified. Almost a more HDR effect to them.
^^^ I agree, if you could get it cleared up a bit more so the wheels stood out more it could be a pic showing off the wheels for them. Looks good though. I need to get my camera back out as well, been atleast a year since I used it.