Interesting... double sunroof...

I think they do the drains at time of install as well if I'm not mistaken, but who knows..
im sure they do. sunroofs are designed to leak, they just all have a drain tube to leak out the car. installing a sunroof with out a drain tube, youd be a fucking idiot lol
you guys do know that often time dealers do their own on trucks...there is a local place that does ford and gm, I will be talking with them, or a couple shops in Houston. Webasco is the brand to go with from what I've researched. Not one guy has complained yet. I plan to do one eventually since I couldn't find a truck with one.
workd at a dealer for 4 yrs and never heard of them installing a sunroof for a sale. i almost 100 percent positve webasto is the factory sunroofs. around here its around 1200 installed. not to bad imo.
I can get you the number of the dealers that stated this, and not to me, to my cousin who was looking at new Duramax and Ford F350, and neither had a sunroof. He called me to ask my opinion on it, told him it was the first I had heard, but I am not in that business. One place is off highway 35 in Dallas.
true, but since you have more insight, you could call and find out what they are talking about. I don't want to trust a company because of some wishy washy shit a dealer told us.
this is the info I got from RGV back in August

9125 Airport BLVD Houston tx
Enrique- 8326770317
He use to work for a dealer but opened his own shop he really knows his stuff

for some reason they other guy didn't want the info being passed around, maybe it was a hookup, I don't know, but it is in RGV, and I'm not going that far for a sunroof
Wiffuh had a Webasto in her 2004 Altima that was aftermarket, was super nice and didn't leak once in the three years she had it.