Check Gages- Oil Pressure?


New member
Apr 29, 2012
Bartlesville, Oklahoma
Alright so i drove down to edmond/okc (2 hour drive) from bville bc i have a dentist appointment monday, well the truck droves normal and perfect. Drove around a bit last night and it was great, wasn't hot rodding it or anything. Well i went out today and drove ti down to bricktown with my buddies and it drove great but when i got down there the CHECK GAGES light would come on everytime id come to a stop. So i was looking at the fuel gauge, the volt gauge, the water temp gauge, and when i looked at the oil pressure gauge it was reading 0 when i was at an idle. I looked in my owners manual and it said to immediately check the oil and dont keep driving if its low bc it could catch the engine on fire. I immediately checked it and it checked out fine. Trucks running great driving great no weird feelings or anything. No weird noises. So i get back in and drive back to my friends and its driving perfectly fine, just the oil pressure gauge drops when i come to a stop, usually when its under throttle it reads about 40-60 (usually between the two closer to 60) well under throttle now it only was reading about 38-40. When i first got the truck a yr and a half ago we had the oil pump replaced and oil has been changed regularly, regular maintenance is kept up with.

I know theres the cable that runs from the speedo to something, but wouldnt there be cables running from each so they properly read right? maybe the cable is loose or something? Just confusing why its acting up when it drives great! The water temp gauge was reading its normal operating temp. the volt gauge was reading normal,and had half a tank of gas or a little over.

Anyone got an idea? i have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning round 8 so after that im gonna run to the shop where they installed my oil pump when it was worked on.
so heres a pic of the oil pressure when its sitting there idling, usually its at 20 idle 40 at cruising and 60 under throttle.....i have the oil pressure switch but since i heard the knock i havent changed its kinda a pita to unscrew it from behind the distributor.

this cant be normal, every now and then the check gages light flashed when the pressure dropped
Still haven't got it taken care of chris?

Sent from the drivers seat of an 06 dmax

shit no man.........drove it today to get something to eat and since i have a dumped glasspack i dont really hear much of the engine, i can hear a little knock, but i can kinda feel a little in the gas pedal.....still in the works to getting this old beater truck we have road ready so i can cruise around in that til i can have the truck fixed....