Your vehicles as they sit now!

Hand compounded and waxed one side of the K5 tonight. Came out awesome, can't believe there was still life left in this paint




Hopefully will get a full side shot tomorrow at work

Sent from TapaTwat
Yeah this is one of the few that wasn't primered lol. It's an old mud truck so it's got a shit ton of gouges and scratches but it's actually got a nice color and alot of depth to it still. It's some kinda quicky respray from years ago with single stage lacquer so using the buffer didn't really work first time around, it'd just burn the compound on. Might try a second stage of compound with the buffer once I do the whole truck by hand first
Huck that K5 my be single stage, meaning before the time of 2 stage color+clear coat. Did you have any color transfer to your compounding pad/applicator
Cody, just keep it leveled get some paint fix it up, take care of engine you'll be good.

Dont wanna dump a ton of money in it with that many miles