Corrosion wtf


New member
Apr 29, 2012
Bartlesville, Oklahoma
sorry if this isnt in the right area!

alright so i was workin on my truck the other day and noticed, well my dad noticed there was some corrosion back by the distributor, its a hose that comes off the intake manifold and it was coated with corrosion. Anyone have a clue why there would be corrosion in this location, i know about corrosion on the battery terminals but bck on this (which i am not 100% sure if its an ac line or what it is)

BTW its on the passenger side in the engine bay (for pics)



cleaned it off best i could without taking other stuff apart and off

this is the hose that is connected where the corrosion was and goes to firewall
Thats a common leak on the old 5.7 and 5.0. Get the new hose from the dealer and threaded pieces in the intake. Usually they break off in intake, so you'll need to spend some time getting it out.
it must slowly seep antifreeze out of that hose connection, and it dried from the heat, that is the line to your heater core.

well shit, least i know now what its from thanks!

Thats a common leak on the old 5.7 and 5.0. Get the new hose from the dealer and threaded pieces in the intake. Usually they break off in intake, so you'll need to spend some time getting it out.

get it from a dealer? or auto parts store or rockauto?
You can check Oreilly's, they can even order it from the dealer for you, have them get their price and then call dealer and get your price, compare! then Compare online, also check places like autopartstomorrow
You can check Oreilly's, they can even order it from the dealer for you, have them get their price and then call dealer and get your price, compare! then Compare online, also check places like autopartstomorrow

good tip! btw anyone know the name of said hose? looked on rock auto and could really compare any of the heater hoses or heater related hoses to it so im clueless
alright so i can get a 1/2-5/8s threaded fitting to thread into manifold, then i just have to get a hose to run from manifold to heater core/firewall, im just kinda wondering if the hose at the firewall is a 5/8s hose id assume so since the only fitting listed under the heater hose is the 1/2 tp 5/8s.....hmm



probably get the first one
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got the fitting and hose off without breaking the fitting :success: had to use a razor blade to cut into the hose a bit for it to slide off easy but got it done now just gotta get a new fitting and hose and put it on and top of the fluid :fuckyeah:


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after walking to oreillys and coming back the guy gave me the wrong stuff so i went back (after i had a ride) and exchanged out the hose and whatnot and picked up the fitting i ordered but before i left i test fitted it on the hose and it was to small so the guy there (different dude then before thankfully) went and grabbed a different fitting that fit perfectly and was a hell of a lot more help then the other dude (maybe bc he had prior experience in gm Chrysler etc auto fields.) he completely understood what i was doin he was like so your getting rid of the crappy quick connect and just running a hose and i was like ya! and he was more then helpful

alright so heres for future reference if someone needs to know what to get idk if it varies between obs's but its probably different for nbs and etc.

but here is what i got
i read multiple different sources that said the fitting was 5/8s by 1/2 well that proved to be wrong well at least for me it did

prt numbers are for oreillys

i got a murray ac fitting 3/4 Inch Hose X 1/2 Inch Mp (prt number 84733)
guy gave me 2 ft of 3/4 inch hose
bought some clamps

wrapped the threads of the fitting with some of that Teflon white thread tape screwed it in then just connected the hose at the manifold then the heater core and tightened the clamps. I ended up pouring a little water into the overflow to be safe since a little fluid dripped out as i was removing the old one!

soo dirty.

i have been trying to make mine spotless lol

haha ya i tried for the most part looks clean up top but some spots i missed entirely
was recommended to use the purple power stuff which worked good but im not gonna use it anymore (probably a malfunction on my part)
i sprayed the whole engine bay down not allowing it to dry and sprayed it off with hose and left hard water spots like crazy so i had to degrease the whole thing and i ended up getting the purple power shit on the belt and well that fucker started deteriorating and stretched so i replaced it and when i compared em the old one was stretched about an inch or so more then the new one lol