Nbs HD hood

Every morning when u wake up have a 15 min craigslist sesh. Dats what I do. Early bird gets the worm nigha.
Every morning when u wake up have a 15 min craigslist sesh. Dats what I do. Early bird gets the worm nigha.
need that app that searches keywords and send u an alert, that 15 min morning Craigslist sesh wouldnt find me shit, cause im asleep before everyone and up before everyone
cPRO Craigslist client lets you search like 7 areas and get notifications, but i think there might be another one too

:turborofl: they're not bad for a new one on eBay.. Like $230 I think but If I can find one around here for less I will. I'm gonna cut it up anyways :scared:

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