Polished or chrome?

Chrome would look good, and its easy to clean, yes. But so are cleared polished wheels. after some light curbing, and small scratches etc on my chrome, and messing with my billets. I love that you can clean up rash, repolish, and have a new looking wheel. You could easily strip and repolish/clear a polished wheel (or wheel repair guy do it cheap). Vs basically buying a new wheel with chrome. even a raw polished wheel with a good polish/sealant/protectant and minor care would be easy to maintain, especially on a lipless simple wheel like the TBSS. Just speaking from my experiences.
I called tony today to ask him but we played phone tag and I never got ahold of him lol. They looked like they weren't cleared but I'm wrong lol

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True.. Polished looks better too IMO but chrome does too lol. Idk since they are cleared it's a hard decision. Was set on chrome lol

Sent from Tapashit
if you curb, a good wheel guy can fix you up for $75ish on a polished wheel. youre buying a $300+ wheel to fix chrome. Let that sink in. I still have chrome wheels, but not with the face where it takes every hit getting mauled daily lol No lip make a lot of difference. trust me.

Looked like shit on chrome anyway :crazy: You can kinda see some of the imperfections in those pics where I was messing with the caps. Theyd been wiped down with detail spray and a single soft before i took those pics.
Polished all the way. Most wheels like this won't come raw. Just like factory wheels they're a different type of aluminum then billet so they won't shine up the same way if stripped and polished. But polished is cleaner looking IMO
you just give them a good wash/wipedown and keep salt and brake dust off of them and your fine.

the polished when clear coated look dull as hell
you just give them a good wash/wipedown and keep salt and brake dust off of them and your fine.

the polished when clear coated look dull as hell
Plz tell me more about wheels I own/maintained and dealt with another set vs all my other chrome wheels.... :bertstare:
Coated aluminum is definitely not more work than chrome at most it's equivalent if not easier. As shiny as chrome is it's going to show flaws. The dull sorta look that polished gets will show less flaws. As far as being coated you probably couldn't even tell unless they were paired up beside a raw set. Maintenance on a raw set is fairly easy as well polish and seal. Your decision will simply be between which looks better. Maintenance will be close to the same between the 2