Your vehicles as they sit now!

Bullshit! Lol
I decided to start clearing my lights last night and headlights wont budge, parking lights came apart easy. When i did my sierra it was super easy compared to these silvy lights.

same here couldnt get teh driver side head apart. off to ebay i go to try and find just cleared heads
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Yeah man I just wanted to clarify. I still don't understand why these little trucks come with 6 lugs. So hard to find nice "affordable" wheels in 6 lug
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truck dirty as fuck from picking up bid plans for a multi million dollar contract at the local county treatment plant:


probably next month sometime, if i cant afford new wheels/tires for next year ill have to save up and run my winters even longer :okay:

Its like my extended cab... loved thay modification. Wish I could do it and get the bumper re chromed after. Around here probably not but keystone mignt do it in their bumper line in Minneapolis


I agrer with you on light bars though. For me they are more function. I thought I had a lot of light after my retrofit then I put the bar on. I drive out in the country a lot and see a lot more deer I wouldn't have otherwise. Almost smoked one last night with the regular cab.